Here's The Thing

Here’s the thing,
I know we haven’t done this before,
or at least in a while.
But fuck it, it’s worth a shot.

We’re supposed to look to you in times of trouble,
praise you in times of plenty,
and think of you as being all-powerful,
but experience says you have some powerful limits.

I can’t think of anything in particular to ask for.
I don’t want a “sign”
or anything
beyond some simple inspiration.
I haven’t seen the face of God,

And I don’t care to.
I doubt whatever-it-may-be has a face
But I can’t count it out.
I have felt the touch
of some higher consciousness

elbow-deep in a whiskey-soaked keyboard.


  1. Man, I love your style. I especially like the last three lines.

  2. Keep it coming. From the soul of your heart.


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